
Holy Trinity Church Parish Hall

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The works on this historic building included a range of projects around refurbishment, seismic strengthening, demolition and rebuild

The iconic Holy Trinity Parish Hall in Devonport has completed a large renovation project.  Originally built in 1911, and with improvements added over the years, the Parish Hall is the largest venue in Devonport with seating for 250 people.

The recent works to the Hall were brought about by the requirement for earthquake strengthening, however the Renovation Project Team also took the opportunity to incorporate repairs to parts of the structure and improvements the facilities so that it could once again be used for larger events such as weddings.

MPM’s involvement included the management of a number of different projects focussed on the refurbishment and seismic upgrade of the Parish Hall, and demolition and rebuild of the adjoining extension which houses communal areas.

The church held a blessing ceremony upon the completion of the works in September 2023.

Project details

The General Trust Board of the Diocese of Auckland
Special Purpose, Seismic Upgrade, Cultural, Community
Cook Brothers Construction, Waitakere Architects Ltd, MSC Consulting, HSC Limited, Crossfire, Riley Consultants Ltd, Earcon Acoustics Ltd
Devonport, Auckland
Project Management, Quantity Surveying


  • PCNZ Heritage & Adaptive Reuses Property Award of Excellence